Monday, September 15, 2008



luvgod2 said...

Praise God for giving me a lot of work lately!

Chris Coleman said...

Please pray for my new son in law's father. He went into the hospital 2 weeks ago for a twisted bowel and had surgery. Now they found a blood clot, fluid in his lungs and a lump that could be lung cancer. So they have to give him blood thinners and then do a biopsy. Please pray with the faith of the Bible that God would heal him! Also for financial help, especially since the dad is the main income of the family. they are trying to get disability, so pray for the process to go faster. Thank you, Chris

luvgod2 said...

I'm praying for your son-in-law's father. Thank you for sharing that with us Chris. What is his name?

luvgod2 said...

Please pray for Lexi right now as she had a co-worker, Karen, who lost her brother last night in a car accident. It's been difficult for Lexi as this upcoming Sunday will be the 2nd anniversary of losing her father to a car accident.

Anonymous said...

Dear Grace your Majesty
there was a man named Andrzej in Winnipeg , Manitoba of Canada and i went there to get a driving job this man was going to help me and teach me driving a semi truck in Usa and Canada and i screwed up his life there for him and his wife and his children god bless that family because they will have problems because of me i'm very sick and i get everybody sick and i give problems to all people i meet god bless them all and heal them all i ask this in jesus name